our work
At Newton we guarantee our fees, meaning we stick around to make sure the job gets done. Our delivery approach is about collaboration at every level. This model means we are heavily invested in our clients’ success. As a direct result, everything we do – our training, our culture, and the way we measure success internally – is focused on the implementation of changes that deliver sustained improvement and recurring financial savings across all 11 sectors we work in.
To read more about our work, look at What We Do.

Faces of Newton

A week in the life of a Newton
Follow our consultants through their week at Newton and see what makes us tick.
Big Impact, early on.
Kellie tells us why working with welders inspires her.
What makes Newton, well, Newton
So many reasons...here are just a few.
Bonding over ping-pong
Michelle, Sarah and Diarmuid show us one way Newton helps people bond.
Our free model works for everyone
Stephen explains how guaranteeing results means bigger impact for clients.