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Kameswarie thoroughly enjoyed the three years she spent working at the pinnacle of motorsport. Beyond the race track, she's now applying those same technologies in various new and interesting ways that make a real and meaningful difference to people's lives.

Kameswarie  Nunna


  • 2013
    I gained my masters, then my PhD in Control Engineering

  • 2014
    I started my career as a Development Engineer with a leading software company

  • 2016
    I landed my first job in Formula 1, as a Simulator Engineer

  • 2018
    I moved to another team, and started to explore how Formula 1 technology could be applied to other organisations

  • 2019
    I joined Newton in Digital and, in my first job, helped to break down the barriers between social workers and IT teams

  • 2020
    I was promoted to Principal Consultant and my experience is enabling me to make a real social impact

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I love my role at Newton. I get to work in so many different industries. But more than anything, it's creating a social impact that I'm passionate about.

Kameswarie  Nunna
Kameswarie Nunna
NEWTON Consultant

Looking for something unexpected?

Think Newton could be the next stop on your career journey? Head to our Experienced Hires page to discover more about what makes us different and why you should join our team. And if you tell us a little about yourself, we’ll show you someone at Newton with similar experience, so you can see what you might achieve if you join us.

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Henry Hunt

Henry Hunt

The reality of being an Engineer didn't quite live up to the dream for Henry. Particularly as his career progressed and he became further removed from the improvements he was keen to make. Fortunately, that experience is part of what makes him such a great Consultant.

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Lucy Goss

Lucy Goss

Lucy Goss joined Newton in 2021 after seven years at Nissan, and nearly two at EY. She shares how transferring her skills to consulting has been an exhilarating journey.

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